Spaying and neutering are common veterinary surgeries that help control the unwanted animal population and offer a number of health benefits to cats and dogs.

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Getting Your Pet Spayed or Neutered

At Breadner Veterinary Services, our team understands that making the decision to have your four-legged friend spayed or neutered can be overwhelming, and you may not feel it's necessary if you're keeping them indoors.

However, we believe these procedures are vital to the health and well-being of your pet. Spays and neuters helps control the ever-growing population of cats and dogs in shelters in Canada.

Spaying a female cat or dog can also prevent against potentially life-threatening illnesses, such as pyometra or mammary tumours.

Our veterinarians perform these surgical procedures on a regular basis, and feel that they help our furry companions to live healthier, more contented lives.

Spaying & Neutering, Saanichton Veterinarians

Spaying & Neutering For Your Community

Spaying and neutering isn't just important to creating a healthy life for our primarily indoor dogs and cats, it also helps your community as a whole.

Every year, tens of thousands of dogs and cats enter shelters looking for homes. This is largely because so many unfixed animals are outdoors, so they keep reproducing. By spaying or neutering your furry friend, you help prevent the number of homeless animals from increasing.

When to Spay or Neuter

No one understands your dog or cat's health better than a veterinarian. Although we provide general spay and neuter age guidelines below, it is always best to consult your veterinarian for advice.

Cats: Standard spay and neuter surgeries are most often performed when the kitten is between five and six months old. That said, a healthy adult cat of any age can also be spayed or neutered.

Dogs: Traditionally, puppies have been spayed or neutered at around six months old. However, some vets have concluded that it is better to wait until the dog has reached sexual maturity before performing these reproductive surgeries. Speak to your veterinarian to determine the best time to have your dog spayed or neutered.

Spaying & Neutering FAQs

For answers to more of your questions about spay and neuter procedures, please read through the answers to these frequently asked questions from our clients.